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Yoga und Meditation sind das Licht ENGL (1).png
[Originalgröße] Dunkel Pinselstriche Kirche Dreiseitige Broschüre (30 x 21 cm) (29.7 x 21



Harmony between body and mind

Yoga means the union of soul and supreme, individuality with existence, body and soul. Yoga helps you build the connection among body, mind and soul. 

Yoga is a valuable gift from the India to this world.  It helps to create a deep bond between humans and nature.  

Yoga should not be seen as a workout or physical training, but rather as an important tool to recognize the oneness with whole existence. 


With our hectic lifestyle, we get caught up in wrong habits. Yoga helps us to regain our physical and mental power back.

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What yoga does:

  • Practice of yoga as anti-stress and anti anxiety measure

  • Practice of yoga as a measure to prevent stress disorders and psychosomatic diseases

  • Practice of yoga as a natural physical medicine

  • Practice of yoga means to awaken power of person from internal body

  • Its main object is spiritual development and moksha

  • Practice of yoga means, to achieve inner and outer balance and proper growth

  • To achieve---Anand->Anti-anand->Parm-Anand (Moksha)-> [ " state of bliss  -->ecstasy-->beautitude (salvation)" ]

[Originalgröße] Dunkel Pinselstriche Kirche Dreiseitige Broschüre (30 x 21 cm) (29.7 x 21

Yoga has enormous effects on the mind, emotions and body. It increases the energy level. It can be broken down into four basic directions:


  1. Karma Yoga : one can involve in Karma Yoga through thoughts, words and body. The best way to practice is Nishkam Karma Yoga (action without expectation of result)

  2. Jnana Yoga: The knowledge of truth or self-realization with the help of one question: Who am I? In this yoga more focus on removing the Ego, the I.

  3. Bhakti Yoga: This is the yoga of full of love and devotion. The right way to practice this yoga: Thy will be done. In this Yoga devotee goes through seva (service), singing, praying, love and faith.

  4. Kriya Yoga: Channelizing the energy or awaking your Kundalini and more practicing on Chakras.


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[Originalgröße] Dunkel Pinselstriche Kirche Dreiseitige Broschüre (30 x 21 cm) (29.7 x 21

Take time for yourself

Loveya - Love yourself
love yourself

[Originalgröße] Dunkel Pinselstriche Kirche Dreiseitige Broschüre (30 x 21 cm) (29.7 x 21

Gentle stretching exercises and meditation for more body awareness.


Together we carefully devote ourselves to the width in our body and stretch from head to toe, very carefully and each at our own pace. We are not about performance or acrobatic exercises. What matters is the connection with ourselves.


Find out what is good for you and what makes you feel good. Loveya is not a workout but helps you to recognize yourself and the oneness with the whole existence.


Not higher-faster-further, just deeper back to yourself.

Be what you really are...


Every Sunday at the Ashram!

Please register with us, the first trial lesson is free of charge.



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