What is Ashram?
An ashram is the name traditionally given to a spiritual community or hermitage or monastery. It can be used to describe the place where a spiritual or religious guru and their disciples live. In the ashram you find spiritual environment and other spiritual co-travelers which can be helpful for spiritual journey. An ashram is place where you can do Sadhana (spiritual practice or religious training or discipline through which an individual attains samadhi) practice meditation, removing doubts and finding answer under the guidance of spiritual master. The ashram devoted to spiritual activities like yoga, meditation or religious instruction, singing mantra, vipassan, prayer etc.
From the Sanskrit root word asrama, ashram means “making an effort toward moksha- nirvana”.
An ashram is like a temple for spiritual seekers where students live together in love full harmony like spiritual being.
॥ शिवास्ते पन्थानः॥
“आपकी यात्रा मंगलमय हो”
***Have a nice journey***
Have a nice trip!
Are you thirsty and ready to spend time in the ashram? Open your heart and free yourself from everything: Conditions, experiences, expectations, desires and become empty!
Follow the link to know more about Guruji or our Ashram Mokshadham.